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Would love to know your opinions on our shoes project!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:41 pm
by AnhNgo
So we have launched 6 days ago and we are at 27% funded with not so much feed back to improve more. So if you can please give us a hand. Thank you so much!

Re: Would love to know your opinions on our shoes project!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 8:58 pm
by IsrealNahsohn
Hi, shoes are different from what is out there! I'm sorry they are not really my kind no of shoe. One that might be limiting your funding is $20 shipping per pair of shoe, and to make it worse, you add an addition $20 per if I get 2 pairs of shoes, I pay $40 for shipping, etc. at least for me, that would make me not pledge.

Just my personal opinion. Good luck.


Re: Would love to know your opinions on our shoes project!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:56 pm
by TashaTurner
The shoes are cute. I like the concept although I'm not fully clear on where they are being made/whether they help the local economy. I never buy shoes over the Internet unless they are ones I've worn before (exact brand/model/year/etc.) as I have a hard time finding shoes which fit properly.

I didn't notice - do you have a "donate a pair of shoes" pledge level?

Re: Would love to know your opinions on our shoes project!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:19 am
by mdtommyd
Agree with both Tasha and Isreal.

I think you have a very nice range of sizes and styles. Slip-ons can fit most anybody.

Will you use the color selections for the embroidery also or just the main parts of the shoe? If you're also doing it for the embroidery sections, I would highlight that - an artistically designed shoe with your inputs on color for the artisanal section

Shipping is expensive. I know you're just passing along a cost, but it's steep, especially for multiple pair orders. It would make people more willing if this could be pulled in somehow.

Re: Would love to know your opinions on our shoes project!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:28 pm
by AnhNgo
Thank you for all of your comments
About shipping, I have tried my best to lessen the cost of shoes, instead of having a small amount of shipping we do the opposite. Its one way or another, Idk anyone here from Australia but we have the most expensive cost for shipping in the world because there is no competition here, a pair of shoes with more than 500g would cost you more than $20 AUD to ship overseas not saying if you choose to have signed delivery, etc. So lets say we make no benefit in shipping also it eats in our production cost. Consider AUD is comparative much lower than USD atm it wouldnt be much a problem to oversea backers especially US.

For our current shoes design, we have not thought of putting all the embroider fabric all over the shoes as it would make it out of tone and provide too much of attention. In the future we would have some designs like that but we will choose carefully on which kind of fabric we are going to use.

As a start-up company we try to be legitimate for what we are going to do especially in our products and ethical mission, we will deliver blogs regarding our missions done to the local societies when and where-ever we do it so people can have a look inside and put their trust in our brand.