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Backer Club messages are considered spam. Thoughts?

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:19 pm
by Rahnum
Kickstarter Integrity (Kickstarter)

Nov --, --:-- AM

Hi ______,

Thank you for your response.

We hope you'll understand that our Guidelines specify this activity - sending unsolicited messages to project creators about BackerClub services - as spam, and it is not permitted.

At this time, your privileges to certain features on Kickstarter are still revoked. However, if you agree to comply with our guidelines going forward, including no longer sending messages of this nature, they will be restored.

We take our guidelines very seriously; please take a minute to read through them. Appreciate your attention.


Hey guys. I've looked through the forums and there was never any definitive answer to how against our messages, kickstarter is. Well after my own little interaction with kickstarter (recently got my functionality back), I have the answer for everyone!


Re: Backer Club messages are considered spam. Thoughts?

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 2:58 pm
by TashaTurner
I believe we've discussed this in the BackerClub subforum. Sending messages about Joining/using BackerClub to creators and other Kickstarter members is technically spam according to Kickstarter rules. I have links to BackerClub in my profile.

My contact order with creators almost always follows the following:
1. Back project

2. Share on social media

3. Comment on comment tab & answer questions or correct both backers & creators on how Kickstarter works (comments & updates). Advice and helping and being an example of a good backer are some of the places we add value. Pointing out 2 weeks minimum before creators see money, don't send survey out before then, typical survey mistakes, what should be in updates during & post campaign, commenting on updates so creators know backers read and care - this makes a tremendous difference

4. If I think I can offer advice I do so using one/all of the following: 1. Comment on the project if it's a suggestion for additional reward levels so other backers can agree/disagree/add other suggestions ; 2. Contact through KS message system telling them I'm a backer, what I admire about their projects, ways I think they could improve their project (description/rewards/FAQs/respond to comments/updates), in my signature I mention I've backed over 1,400 projects & am a member of BackerClub

5. I don't contact more than 2-4 creators a day as too frequent "cold contact" can flag your profile

Notice when I cold contact a creator I focus on why I think their product is great and things they can do to improve their campaign. I never link directly to BackerClub as that may kick in the "KS spam" bot/algorithm or annoy a creator into reporting me. By mentioning the number of Kickstarters I've backed many creators go and check out my profile. They will also ask me about BackerClub after viewing my profile or simply submit as I have info & instructions there.

Once you've backed 50+ Kickstarters creators start taking your advice seriously. The more value you include in your 1st contact the less likely you'll be considered spam. But you have to be sincere, truly care about the individual creators campaign, they have to feel you aren't "marketing to them" or telling them "they are ignorant and don't know what they are doing". I frequently link to similar campaigns which did really well and suggest they contact the creator and mention my name because ive been active in comments, update comments, social media promoting even it I haven't had direct contact I've discovered many creators remember me.