Phone Jewelry | Snap Charms and Lockets for your Phone Case

Anything related to Kickstarter
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2017 8:38 am

Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:25 pm

Hey Everyone! My name is Ariana and I'm fairly new to Kickstarter. I've backed a few really cool projects to date (fidgipen and the world's best travel pillow being my favorites), and I just launched one of my own on Tuesday. It's been a great learning experience so far, and of course lots of late nights and coffee! 8-)

My campaign isn't going as well as I'd like and I'd love some feedback. I think my biggest issue is that I wasn't as prepared as I could've been marketing wise. But I'm trying my best to learn from my mistakes and get my campaign out there! My project is called Charmfril, phone jewelry. Our phone cases contain rows of holes where you can snap charms and lockets in & out. You can mix and match charms as much as you'd like! We have a strong message behind our products as well. We are encouraging you to be proud of who you are and what you love by displaying it on your phone. Our charms are chosen by you, to represent who you are. They are an every day reminder to be yourself, to follow your dreams and to live your life doing what you love! I'd love for you all to check it out ! Thank you! :D

BackerClub members will get 15% off any order PLUS 5 additional charms!