Backerkit ignores Backerclub pledges

Anything related to BackerClub.
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:53 am

Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:55 pm

I am constantly running into issues with campaigns that use Backerkit. On campaigns that let us pledge the $1 tier and put an amount equal to whatever pledge amount we are offered always come from Backerkit with a "Thanks for the $1 pledge. You have $xx credit remaining." The survey shows no item ordered other than the $1 pledge. On another campaign Backerclub members are to get a 10% discount and Backerkit doesn't recognize this and tells me I still owe money. Consequently I have surveys that are just hanging in limbo waiting on response from busy creators that probably don't need the extra hassles of adjusting all the surveys. I would imagine this doesn't help the reputation of Backerclub (or Backerkit for that matter).

I have a few ideas on how to fix this, in order of preference:

1) The ideal fix would be a Backerclub back end like Backerkit that supports campaigns that offer Backerclub perks. Then creators could roll everything into one package with one web site. This would give Backerclub another avenue for revenue and will likely boost Backerclub memberships as well.

2) I don't know if this is even feasible. If campaigns that sign on to Backerclub are given special instructions for dealing with Backerclub perks on Backerkit then we wouldn't be left hanging come survey time.

3) Backerclub and Backerkit folks need to get together and work out a provision for working with Backerclub members.

4) Start a campaign to buy out Backerkit and incorporate it into Backerclub.

I hope there is an easy fix for all this!

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:34 am

Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:04 pm

I like these ideas. Ideally, at the very least, there should be some sort of partnership between Backerclub and Backerkit that allows quick and easy communication between the two when there are projects that need help. I've run into this problem several times, so something really needs to be done...
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Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:54 pm

The problem is the creators not setting things up properly. When they use the $1 pledge this way they need to go in and change the information for each BackerClub member before setting BackerKit live.

I've strongly suggested to Mark that campaigns be encouraged to set up a BackerClub Pedge Level. This would promote BackerClub as well as solve many problems I've had with the over 300 BackerClub projects I've backed:

1. KS surveys by creators not asking questions related to BackerClub members on the $1 or $5 pledge leading to mistakes in fulfilling rewards as well as a number of messages back and forth to get things straightened out

2. Creators confusion on whose a BackerClub member and accidentally not shipping the BC perks which is a pain for both creators and backers who have to message to ask why BC perks weren't shipped - also can create bad feelings on either/both sides

3. BackerClub member confusion at time of backing - how much to back and in a number of cases forgetting to include shipping - again leading to bad feelings on either/both sides post-campaign when a creator has to ask for more than was backed or when creators feel like they can't ask for what they deserve out of concern of offending Superbackers

4. BackerKit issues you describe
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