FRANK WORKS | Tennis Shoes Players Love To Wear

Comfort of a Running Shoe. Function of a Tennis Shoe.

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Psst, hey you, yes you - the one with the worn-out tennis shoes! Get ready to toss those old stinkers in the trash because FRANK WORKS is here to save your tired soles. Imagine the perfect fusion of cushy running shoes and agile tennis shoes, all wrapped up in a stylish package. No more standing in shoe aisles, dazed and confused by the plethora of choices. FRANK WORKS is cutting out the clutter, making your decision a walk in the park (or a run on the court). So, why wait? Get your toes into a pair of FRANK WORKS shoes and watch your opponents eat your dust.

over 1 year ago

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Community Ratings


Mr M.
Mr M.
May 9, 2023

umm…. i kind of hate the look but the comfort looks nice if it lives up to the explanation 

Ben S.
Ben S.
May 9, 2023

need 3rd party review 

Damiano C.
Damiano C.
May 9, 2023


Simon B.
Simon B.
May 9, 2023

It looks very light to wear…

sven j.
sven j.
May 3, 2023

Sounds interesting, wonder how well it actually holds up to claims

Benjamin M.
Benjamin M.
May 2, 2023

Some consern that with it being comfortable and flexible it might dampen movment ability on the court… I have the same problem with a soft running shoe vs a bare foot shoe. 

Benjamin M.
Benjamin M.
May 2, 2023

I look forward to seeing reviews after it comes out. Looks are not great but I am intrested to see how it works.