Yoga Play Kit: Feel Calmer and Happier With Your Kids
This screen-free & research-backed game combines the benefits of yoga, mindfulness, breathing, and music to keep your family healthy.
Funding Campaigns
Alright, let's put it this way, the Yoga Play Kit is like finding the golden ticket in a Wonka Bar. It's yoga, it's mindfulness, it's a game, it's a stress-reliever. Heck, it's your magical unicorn that helps you and your kids reach Nirvana in just 20 minutes. This kit is the yoga teacher, the patient nanny, and the fun camp counselor you wish you had growing up. It combines physical, mental, and emotional health to create a divine intervention to daily chaos. The cherry on top? No screens attached! It’s like having your cake and eating it too.
wishful thinking because it's really hard to make kids into yoga
It looks really engaging and visually appealing
This s one of those things that when your kid grows out from, you gift it to the next one
way cheaper than an app for adults, can I be a not pro yogy already?
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nice for kids
oh yea
looks great for kids
just wood
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Simple and funded
Good heart behind it, and wood not plastic
$60 is reasonable
I think they'll make it, looks well thought through and a simple design to all components.
I think its a very interesting idea.
Looks like a fair MSRP.
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