The Ultimate Hamper™ by Songbird

An all-in-one laundry cart designed to help you transport folded laundry in an organized way.

Category: Home & Office

Funding Campaigns

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Step aside Marie Kondo, because the Ultimate Hamper™ by Songbird is here to give us all the laundry-spark-joy vibes! Gone are the days when I had to wonder if that was my sock or my cat's new toy. The hanging bar? A total game changer - perfect for those of us who like to hang up our superhero capes after a long day of... laundry. The wheels? Think luxury car, but for your clothes. And shoutout to the genius behind this – a mom of three. Because who knows laundry chaos better than a superhero mom? Ultimate Hamper? More like Ultimate Hero

11 months ago

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Community Ratings


sven j.
sven j.
Nov 7, 2023

Wow it's expensive 

Simon B.
Simon B.
Nov 5, 2023

Well orgabized basket…only problem is that you need space…but if you live in house it shouldn't be a problem. Nice product !

Benjamin M.
Benjamin M.
Nov 2, 2023

Ps. Please don't take any of this as a slight… u REALLY like the laundry basket system… it is REALLY nice I just question its larger utility compared to its cost. 

Benjamin M.
Benjamin M.
Nov 2, 2023

Ok… most people I know who can afford this (at MSRP) and have the house to make it advantageous pay a laundry service. (Though that could be my area)

Benjamin M.
Benjamin M.
Nov 2, 2023

Target audience?  Very expensive msrp on a laundry basket… oddly presumably the buyer has a whole laundry room to prep laundry before moving it to bedrooms. (less then 15% of US homes made in the last 10 years have a laundryroom) 

Tina C.
Tina C.
Nov 2, 2023

Hi everyone!  Thanks for checking out my product.  Would love to hear feedback.  Have a wonderful day.