Monsters of Drakkenheim - 5E Monsters with Lore Lairs & Loot
150+ New 5e monsters inspired by Eldritch Horrors. Harvest felled foes to craft loot. Engage epic bosses. Explore forbidden lairs.
Funding Campaigns
3 ks, funded in 4 minutes
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1000000 raised
300 monsters
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Repeat creators (3rd Dungeon Dudes project) working with an established Game Publisher which has done a bunch of previous projects (Ghostfire Games)
They have great artwork and the game material well designed.
It is Paper (and PDFs too) so a renewable.
These is about what I'd expect for RPG books.
Definitely. Repeat creator, simple project.
Looks entertaining.
Great value.
So fun
Great value
Repeat creator
Everything looks incredible, really cool miniatures
Not a focus
Has a tier for everyone basically, can choose what level of value you personally get for each price
Thank you for no AI art