A portable entertainment system with CarPlay integration
Categories: Home & Office, Outdoors & Sports
Funding Campaigns
Nomad heard your playlist and said, ‘Why stop at the shower?’ This thing's like the Swiss Army knife of speakers—car, cup holder, and cliffside compatible! If Batman needed a portable boombox, it’d be this bad boy. It’s the perfect companion for anyone whose playlist just can’t be contained by walls!
might be difficult
very chunky but otherwise cool
its alright
This user did not provide any reasons for their ratings.
I am sure it will launch
1 of a 1000 android tablets ... With a gimic
Sorry I see this as e waste in a year Not your fault... Just consumerism
Feels kind of like a 2010 product
First-time creator. It's 50/50 for me at this point.
A+ for everything it does! Looks great as well.
No mention on their KS page.
Fair price!
This user did not provide any reasons for their ratings.
I have concerns about people buying this kind of thing and it being a waste in a year…. Not the products fault just people over doing inexpensive android tablets. Maybe the waterproof use will save it.
I'm may be a bit clinical, I do like the waterproof use