The First Huggable Vibroacoustic Speaker for Anxiety Relief

The Solace Vibroacoustip Speaker is a natural way to calm your body and mind. Like the purring of a cat, vibroacoustic therapy passes low frequency vibrations through the body to help you relax. Use this for when you have anxiety or just to feel relaxed.

Funding Campaigns

Kickstarter Cover Logo Cat

It might not be as furry as a kitty cat but it sure does shed a lot less and it purrs on demand! 

over 2 years ago

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adam a.
adam a.
Jul 14, 2022

Not the target market, but such a smart idea 

Karen Y.
Karen Y.
Jul 13, 2022

Seems like it'd be useful but I'm wondering if light sleepers stay asleep longer while using this. I'm a heavy/deep sleeper so I'd be worried about knocking it off the bed; has it been drop-tested? And is it waterproof for those who drool in their sleep?

Elizabeth B.
Elizabeth B.
Jul 1, 2022

it must be like hugging a cat

Manon G.
Manon G.
Jun 30, 2022

Good idea

abel l.
abel l.
Jun 29, 2022

should be comfortable

Steph L.
Steph L.
Jun 25, 2022

Thank you @Shawn G. for your answer.

Shawn G.
Shawn G. Edited on Jun 25, 2022
Jun 25, 2022

To answer Stephane's question. We estimate standard shipping to cost $9-15 in the U.S. depending on where you live. International shipments will be more and can vary. Bottom line… we only charge what it costs to package and ship. Thank you.

Steph L.
Steph L.
Jun 22, 2022

Although it is mentioned that shipping fees will be added after the campaign ends, we do not know the extent of these costs.

Campaign Info
