Real Inked Playing Cards: by 52 Tattoo Artists
Real Inked Project: The Biggest Worldwide Tattoo Art Collaboration and the Most Painful Deck of Cards Ever Inked
Funding Campaigns
seems like they halted this and never relaunched
looks cool
fights climate change hard
would have been a cool deck
Campaign Info
Over 100 people from all parts of the world came together to create one piece of art - a deck of poker cards.
Sometimes the idea for the card came from the tattoo artist, sometimes the model had a theme or picture in mind. Every card in the deck was tattooed by one artist on one model anywhere in the world. Then a high resolution picture was taken and made into a digital file for printing the card.
The result of so many artists working together is a broad variety of designs, styles, feelings, skills. You can see the different approaches and the cards still work as a nice deck of cards.
This picture looks like mockup or a digital fake. It's not. This is an actual picture of a tattoo that is part of the real inked project.
It's a perfect gift for everyone who loves tattoos or unique card games.
The box is still a mock-up. The actual box will be printed after the campaign ends.
- Everyone will envy you for this unique deck of cards
- You support our 52 tattoo artists. Thank you!
- It's a nice gift for tattoo enthusiasts (birthday, x-mas, groundhogday,.. )
- You like poker and or tattoos? - You need it!
- Also perfect fo every art lover. (check out the collectors choice reward)
- Perfect for everyone interested in cardistry and magic. (Is this the card with the tattoo on your butt?)
- Use it as inspiration for your next tattoo
- Get the collectors choice and see it as an investment in art
- Show some class and put that RIP art book on your coffe table!
- Last but not least: we will love you forever and very good things will happen to you!
Deck of poker cards BLACK EDITION - 52 originally tattoed poker cards + Joker Surprise
Deck of poker cards CRIMSON EDITION - 52 originally tattoed poker cards + Joker Surprise
Stylish Art Book, with background stories, history and all the artists. (200+ pages all in color)
With all the different styles and colors we had to make sure the result still worked perfectly as a deck of cards. Because even if it is an art project first, we want the cards to stay with us and tell the story whenever someone plays with them.
We didn’t want to dictate anything to the artists, that wasn’t absolutely necessary to end up with a beautiful working deck of cards.
So we just gave them the size, and the suit and rank on a blank card.
The rest was up to the artists and the models.
As you can see the 2 of diamonds on the leg of the model is not exactly a flat picture. That meant for a post production professional a lot of work to create cards that look like they all were tattooed on a flat surface.
(one of the reasons why we had to get prototyp tattoos)
The beautiful process
At the time we had the idea, we first read up on the history of playing cards. Which turned out to be extremely interesting.
While we learned about medieval card games, we stumbled upon a card manufacturer that has been in the business for 500 years!
In the beginning they made the decks by hand card by card, but luckily for us now they have one of the most modern facilities to print and package your precious 52 cards.
Like every other story told in those past 2 years the real inked project was heavily affected by the virus. Almost all of the artists were prohibited to work. All the clients couldn't travel.
Every artist we worked with had to deal with the same problem on some level.
Without covid we would have finished the cards a little sooner, but somehow the struggle made it feel more real.
It gave us a feeling that we are in this together and we strongly believe that it makes this collaboration even more special.
Another amazing experience, when the videos and pictures from the artists arrived at our table, was the wide range of styles and of course background color. There are no two cards that share a skin tone.
The artists themselves are also from every background you can imagine.
The good thing with tattoo artists. You don't have to look for diversity. You just get diversity.
A portion of the money is of course for the production of the cards and books.
The artists, especially the first ones that joined the real inked project, had faith in us, and worked without any payment in advance.
We want to repay that trust by giving out as many decks and books as possible for them to later sell exclusively in their studios.
Another chunk goes to the nice people at kickstarter and also their payment service for making all of this happen.
The cards are of course the main “product” that came from this two year rollercoaster ride of an art project, where we had to connect over 100 people and forge all the ideas to one card game.
But the story itself, the artists and the feeling of the project can only be told in a separate book.
So that’s what we did. We wrote a book, with lots of additional pictures and info to show you the process and the people behind it.
We are not really that important in that context, but I guess you are wondering who might come up with an idea like that.
Our names are Jordan and Muthenthaler from Berlin, Germany.
We share the love for art, tattoos and ideas that might sound crazy at first. For 25 years we have been teaching inventors and startups how to bring ideas to live. Be it a new drink, a new gadget or the world's most painful card game.
52 Tattoo Künstler - 52 Spielkarten
Das Real Inked Project ist mit über 100 Teilnehmern die größte Kunst Kollaboration von Tattoo Künstler*innen und Models.
In den letzten zwei Jahren haben 52 Künstler*innen von China bis Island 52 Spielkarten auf 52 Models tätowiert.
Jede Tätowierung wurde fotografiert und zu einer Spielkarte verarbeitet.
Dabei wurde nicht einfach x-beliebige Tätowierung hergekommen sondern die Karte mit Umriss, Herz, Kreuz und A K J speziell für das Projekt entworfen und tätowiert.
Die daraus entstandenen Spielkarten sind jetzt exklusiv auf Kickstarter erhältlich.
Danke für die Unterstützung und wenn Du jemanden kennst, der Tattoos mag oder sich für Kunst interessiert würden wir uns freuen wenn Du den Link auf Facebook, Instagram oder Twitter teilen könntest.
52 tatuadores - 52 cartas
El Real Inked Project es la mayor colaboración de arte del tatuaje. A lo largo de los ultimos 52 años tatuadores de todo el mundo han tatuado 52 cartas de la baraja en 52 modelos.
Se hizo una foto de cada carta tatuada y se convirtió en una carta de la baraja
Esta baraja está ahora disponible y en exclusiva en kickstarter
52 tatuadores - 52 cartas de baralho
O projeto com tinta real é a maior colaboração de arte de tatuagem.
Durante os últimos dois anos, 52 tatuadores de todo o mundo tatuaram 52 cartas de baralho em 52 modelos.
Uma foto de cada carta foi tirada e depois transformada em uma carta de baralho.
Este baralho de cartas agora está disponível exclusivamente no kickstarter.
52 artistes tatoueurs - 52 cartes à jouer
Le projet Real Inked représente la plus grande collaboration en matière d'art du tatouage. Lors des deux dernières années, 52 tatoueurs du monde entier ont tatoué 52 cartes à jouer sur 52 modèles. Une photo de chaque carte a été prise, puis transformée en carte à jouer. Ce jeu de cartes est à présent disponible en exclusivité sur Kickstarter.
52 Tatuatori - 52 Carte da Gioco
The Real Inked project è la più grande collaborazione di arte del tatuaggio.
Negli ultimi due anni 52 tatuatori da tutto il mondo hanno tatuato 52 carte da gioco su 52 modelli.
È stata scattata una foto di ogni carta e poi trasformata in una carta da gioco.
Questo mazzo di carte è ora disponibile esclusivamente su kickstarter.
52 тату-мастера - 52 игральные карты
Наш проект — крупнейшее сотрудничество в области тату-искусства.
За последние два года 52 татуировщика со всего мира сделали 52 уникальные татуировки игральных карт на 52 моделях.
Каждая тату была сфотографирована, а затем превращена в игральную карту.
Эта колода карт теперь доступна исключительно на кикстартере.
52 artystów tatuażu - 52 karty do gry
The real inked project to największa kolaboracja w dziedzinie tatuażu. Przez ostatnie dwa lata 52 artystów tatuażu z całego świata wytatuowało 52 karty na 52 modelach.
Zdjęcie wykonanego tatuażu zmieniło się w kartę do gry.
Cała talia kart jest teraz ekskluzywnie dostępna na kickstarterze.
52 टैटू कलाकार - 52 पत्ते
रियल इंक प्रोजेक्ट अब तक का सबसे बड़ा टैटू कला सहयोग है।
पिछले दो वर्षों के दौरान दुनिया भर के 52 टैटू कलाकारों ने 52 मॉडलों पर 52 कार्ड टैटू गुदवाए हैं।
प्रत्येक कार्ड की एक तस्वीर ली गई और फिर उसे प्लेइंग कार्ड में बदल दिया गया।
ताश का यह डेक अब विशेष रूप से किकस्टार्टर पर उपलब्ध है।
doesnt look like a relaunch is coming