Popur - a Quantum Leap in Self-Cleaning Litter Box
**READY FOR PRODUCTION** An ingenious two-box system, like never before, that allows you to live a scoopless life of no compromise.
Category: Technology
Funding Campaigns
We think this Self-Cleaning Litter Box is pretty awesome! So much so, we have partnered with Popur to give away a Popur Basic ($279 value!). Good luck! 🙂
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Campaign Info
Introducing the world’s first two-box littering robot with an expandable ecosystem for litter cleaning, waste management, health tracking, behavior monitor, and more. Popur is the new standard and a paradigm shift in litter disposal technology, offering both you and your cats an ever-refreshing experience, beyond any alternatives.
Most self-cleaning litter boxes consist of a rotating drum and a receptacle underneath. There was no breakthrough in the category for two decades, only plagiarisms. While costing insanely $500+ each, all these contraptions are:
Some photos on the Internet, posted by users of other products
EVER WONDER WHY THESE??? Mark our words: keeping cat wastes inside the litter machine is the CULPRIT, because there must be an INTERNAL CHANNEL for the waste to transfer from the litter area to the storage compartment.
(We are ONLY sharing our insights on Kickstarter with the support and encouragement from the community, because these comments are radical and could potentially backfire on us as competitors fight a war back. All opinions are based on our own experience and findings. This could be deleted anytime.)
First of all, it’s impossible to keep that internal channel sanitary or to clean it out easily.
Secondly, the waste compartment occupies a considerable space, and putting it inside directly makes the machine bulky while limiting the size of the litter area.
More importantly, since you are liberated from daily scooping, you don’t have to throw the bag every day too. But admit that cat waste will emit exponentially more corrosive, pervasive, destructive chemicals. Unfortunately, the exhausts use the same channel to communicate with the litter machine, and gradually corrupt its sensory, electric and metallic components, leading to occasional malfunctions and ultimately a total breakdown.
And with such open communication channel, it’s natural that the entire cat potty grows unimaginably stinking over time. More horribly some organisms thrive within that channel - so don’t be shocked if the contraption get colonized by creepy bugs and larvae.
Still don’t get it? Just think about toilets in the old days without water left inside, or imagine your campervan with waste tank kept in the your living area - so gross.
THAT'S WHY we must create Popur, for the well-being of humankind and feline.
Popur, featuring an originally invented two-box layout, puts an end to your search for a perfect litter box. By two boxes, it simply means that Popur is divided into a bin storing pee-poo and a tray containing litter. This invention fixes the six fundamental problems listed above, as well as delivers everything you are looking for.
While in the future there will be more variants for Popur’s waste bin, such as self-packaging or self-flushing models, there are two options available for now:
Popur’s cleaning performance is unmatched. While it’s not uncommon for you to break up litter clumps into fragments when shoveling, Popur ensures all leftovers including scraps to be tossed away. The unique DuoTilt™ cleantech combines an initial tilt of the tray to sift litter, and a subsequent tilt of the filter to dump waste. This technology also helps Popur avoid loss of litter regardless of its size and amount, handle loose stools, and minimize dust, therefore keeps the box clean 24/7.
When your cats pee on the side, corner or a shallow litter bed, litter sticks to the box. This is arguably the biggest challenge for self-cleaning litter boxes. Although it still happens, Popur is outfitted with four distinct features to both prevent and remove sticky clumps.
Not only adult cats, but also kittens are allowed to use Popur, thanks to its unparalleled responsiveness to any movements. More specifically, the proprietary SuperSense™ algorithm porting on an advanced millimeter wave radar is capable of detecting actions as subtle as pulses and heartbeats, and is free from the influences of obstacles, ambient lights, mounting surfaces or installation errors.
Featuring an open design which is familiar and appealing to most cats, Popur creates a potty place for cats to enjoy doing their business proudly. With a ultra-spacious litter area of 20" x 16" and a diagonal as long as 24 inches, Popur gives the ultimate flexibility for different sizes, even making it compelling to large felines.
Structurally, most other contraptions have innate safety loopholes. They create an illusion and distraction by emphasizing on sensors, sensors, and sensors. Question is, self-driving cars are equipped with the most advanced sensors in the consumer space, would you believe they are utterly safe?
So why play your odds or settle with the old tricks, if there is a perfect way? With or without sensors, Popur is safe for your cats. It might be operating, powered off, jammed, malfunctioned, broken or damaged - under no circumstances will Popur hurt your cats. Popur is safe by design, 100%. Theoretically speaking, it is even safer than manual litter trays which might flip over. Popur completely eradicates the risks of your cats getting injured so you can finally enjoy peace of mind.
There is always a debate on the choice of litterbox style. Picking the ideal litter box for your finicky companion is imperative. Some cats may prefer doing their business out in the open. Others may appreciate doing it in an enclosed environment with more privacy. Popur presents all kinds of possbilities to meet their expectations.
At the beginning we revealed how nasty, stinky, flimsy, risky, crowded and uncleanable the traditional litter box could be. To resolve these annoyances for good, Popur introduces the category-redefining dual box form factor. By separating the bin, Popur achieves the best possible reliability, safety, hygiene, extensibility, usable space and air quality.
a standalone, airtight, smell-proof compartment
With the Pro bin, Popur eliminates virtually all odors, once and for all solving the notorious odor problem. The automatic bin of the Pro version actually seals the trash bag tightly when it is closed. Waste, along with the gases and vapors it exudes, cannot contact anything (not even the lid of the bin) but the bag per se. This distinctive technique prevents odor from leaking or permeating the plastics over time. It also allows you to take out the bag while not having eye contact with the mess.
Popur’s waste bin is able to hold the amount of droppings produced by a single cat, during a period of three weeks to a whole month. Such extraordinary storage capacity is indebted to its 10-liter net volume that can be almost completely utilized, as the droppings are engineered to be spread evenly across the bin.
Hidden corners or dead angles are non-existent for Popur. In a casual way, just wipe the outer or inner surfaces directly - no strings attached.
Never underestimate the importance of cleanability of an automatic litter box. After all, it serves as a toilet and requires a full clean regularly. It would defeat the purpose of saving five minutes everyday by not scooping if you have to spend an hour twice a month on deep cleansing (which is probably more of a pain).
For Popur, a quarterly clean-out usually suffices. Plus the modular design allows you to easily take off both the filter and the liner for hand-washing or replacement. The reassembly is equally simple owing to their thoughtful structures. And again, the other area is entirely visible and reachable for wiping. There is no troublesome tinkering or carry-arounds anymore. Last but not least, Popur is made of premium antimicrobial materials to enhance its ability to withstand mildew or other types of pollution.
Add-ons including trash bags, cat scratcher, fence, top-entry wall, extra liner, and extra filter will be available for purchase when the backer survery is conducted after the campaign. We will also introduce accessories with new functionalities in the future.
Shipping, customs duty and taxes (normally value-added tax or sales tax) will be calculated and paid towards the end of the campaign or before we ship out the final products to you. During these uncertain times, shipping costs have surged significantly. However, we do believe that the prices will go down as the situation gets better globally.
Therefore, we don't think charging shipping upon pledging is at the interest of our supporters. The prices may be higher today. Or in a few months it might become higher than what we could afford. Either way, we will try to subsidize as much as possible.
We also provide an all-inclusive option for backers in the contiguous United States, since we can arrange logistics ahead of time.
The following table assumes purchase of one Popur unit and applies to either version. The estimates are updated as of May 25th, 2022. (Last edits: added Portugal and Spain estimates.)
"All cat owners can agree…scooping litter is not a fancy job. Since its debut, the development of self-cleaning litter boxes has been stagnant for almost two decades. Let alone their hefty price tags, all existing contraptions fail in at least one of the following aspects: too crowded for cats, possible to hurt cats, easy to get gunky but difficult to clean out, too smelly or flimsy due to defects in design, therefore defeating their purposes. Our goal with Popur is to change the status quo by creating a litter box that allows people to live a scoopless life without any compromises. Popur is a tested and proven product that is close to my notion of perfection. Our first rudimentary prototype dated back to 2016. With patronage from my five adorable kitties, I kept improving the design over the years and officially started Popur (self-funded) in late 2020. Now, after 11 major design iterations by 12 talented engineers, three rounds of trial productions with the help of 25 direct suppliers, 10-month real-life tests in five families by 20 adult cats and seven kittens, 100,000+ hours of combined operating time, we are confident to tell you that Popur will be the best model available in the next 10 years. Your support is what we need now to kickstart it." - Daniel, Founder
Popur debuted on Kickstarter because we want to test market this bold idea and gather some traction to accelerate production. We have made 120 units of the main product during pilot runs. For clarification, as of the project launch day, the filter, the automatic waste bin, the fence and the top-entry wall are still in the tooling process, which will take about two months to finish. We have spent considerable time in perfecting these peripherals. And they are simple for manufacturing so will not delay our schedule. (Update: tooling for the filter has been completed on May 25.)
Popur was founded in difficult times, during which supply chain management is rather challenging everywhere in the world. To navigate from ideation to mass production, we have formed an equity partnership with our dedicated manufacturer, where both teams hold 15% shares of each other's company. Such a special arrangement has enabled us to successfully overcome countless issues that occurred during the process, and aligned our interests in making a quality product that will live up to your expectations.
Since day one, we have gone to great lengths to protect our intellectual property rights. Other than applying for patents, we kept a low profile and only worked with suppliers whose practices meet our confidentiality requirement. Many startups died because of copycats from the Far East (on Kickstart alone, there are so many Litter Robot replicates) - we must muscle up against these deadly odds. Even now we are still in stealth mode because one, honestly as an engineer Daniel doesn't fancy making public appearances. And two, more importantly, as said, the idea could trace back to 2016. It was a personal work unrelated to and outside of Dan's then occupation. But his previous employer has a reputation for suing ex-staff for various reasons including IP disputes. Although there is no ambiguity in the originality and ownership of his invention, it is in our best interest not to draw attention from an established and grudgy powerhouse, or it would be a costly burden and distraction. The visuals above have shown two monstrous tools - they are serious and legit investments. Should you feel uncomfortable about our temporary anonymity, please kindly save the dollars for our retail launch coming in Q4 - Popur will always be the most affordable option.
I don't have cats, but I'd get it if I did