EezyDry - Dry and sanitize your reusable bottles in minutes!

The fastest and most compact solution for drying and sanitizing bottles and other accessories

Category: Technology

Funding Campaigns


about 2 years ago

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Community Ratings
Kirstin V
Kirstin V
about 2 years ago

The creator has finally done a requested by many backers update, so I feel better about this project being delivered. Hope so!!!

Seems like a really clever design! I really like the idea of the bottle and lid (and whatever you put in it) getting sanitized by both heat and the UVC, as well as getting dried.

Can’t say that it’s very environmentally responsible, no particular mention of it in the project, but it’s certainly ethically responsible to help people sanitize and dry out their reusable bottles. It encourages use of reusable bottles by killing germs, mold, etc, which could make people sick.

It’s quite expensive (99) when the shipping is included. Hopefully I’ll get enough use out of it to make it worthwhile. I’m especially interested in using it in a bottle that is difficult to clean out due to the odd shape!

Marvin Warren
Marvin Warren
about 2 years ago

First project. Says he's a 'serial inventor and entrepreneur' but doesn't list any other projects; could be a good thing or a bad thing

Hard to judge. Looks okay. Pretty pointless, but it might actually do what it says.

Wasting energy to accomplish what a drying rack can do

Go ahead and waste $90 on this, plus the added electric bill

Steph L.
Steph L.
about 2 years ago

1st-time creator. Never backed any other projects. Not super confident this will deliver on time. February is just around the corner.

Smart design. Can be used for other products as well.

No mention on their KS page.

A bit pricey, shipping costs are high, the format of the lid is not ideal.

Mohammad Zubair
Mohammad Zubair
about 2 years ago

This user did not provide any reasons for their ratings.

Yna Kyle Severina Vergara
Yna Kyle Severina Vergara
over 2 years ago

It is a very nice concept.

Revolutionary design, so only time will tell.

It has no consumable parts and encourages to use of reusable bottles so it is great!

Definitely worth the money.

Pontus Eriksson
Pontus Eriksson
over 2 years ago

First time creator and it's that kind of design where they might get trouble with having to redesing and finally give up.

Looks slim and well designed.

Less use of water but and more reuse of bottles, but doesn't seem to be the priority. The health is.

Not unreasonable and you might save in on getting new bottles.

Chaim Lichtman
Chaim Lichtman
over 2 years ago

First time creator

so, so convinient

gets rid of bacteria

Lara Santos
Lara Santos
over 2 years ago

I don't know if they will deliver, it's one of those campaigns 50/50

Amazing concept and design

I'm sure it's not environmentally friendly, but I need no smelly reusable bottles and tumblers

at this price it's necessary to bring this to life but its still expensive

David Luxton
David Luxton
over 2 years ago

First Time Creator

Seems like a good design, I like it.

It helps make reusable bottles safe to use so that might encourage some people to use them.

A bit more than I was hoping but not unreasonable.


Kirstin V.
Kirstin V.
Nov 30, 2022

Good idea! Dries the bottle, then you swap out the bottle for the lid, which can be hung on the little tree. Gets pretty hot, hope the seals can take the heat. (Then again, my coffee is also hot…) And is the UVC ok for the bottle seals? Pretty expensive when the shipping is included, too.

Brian Y.
Brian Y.
Nov 25, 2022

my bottle got smelly mostly because of the liquid stuck in the cap. this one doesn't seem to work for that.

Pontus E.
Pontus E.
Nov 22, 2022

I have looked a bit more on this one, and maybe it will actually be used.

Steph L.
Steph L.
Nov 20, 2022

Smart. It's easy just to wipe the inner bottle with a towel, though. Expect 55$ of shipping fees for Canada.

Mohammad Z.
Mohammad Z.
Nov 14, 2022

not sure how useful it is. 

Yna Kyle Severina V.
Yna Kyle Severina V.
Nov 11, 2022

My family uses a lot of bottles, so this would be great if only they ship to my country…

Pontus E.
Pontus E.
Nov 10, 2022

If it works it is a good idea. But I wouldn't use it often. It will take time to change a habit from washing the bottle because that's so simple as it is.

Lara S.
Lara S.
Nov 7, 2022

Damn, I hope they deliver…

Chaim L.
Chaim L.
Oct 31, 2022

would be better if it also soaped the bottle

Lara S.
Lara S.
Oct 27, 2022

I backed it. I use reusable bottles and tumblers every day