Grinders Parka

Aerogel Smart Parka, 100 in 1 features, and functions as a winter jacket, cool-weather jacket, windbreaker, rain jacket, and activewear

Category: Outdoors & Sports

Funding Campaigns


almost 2 years ago

View On Kickstarter


Community Ratings
Mohammad Zubair
Mohammad Zubair
about 2 years ago

project was canceled after funding goal met. wonder why

looks functional and sleek. nothign ground breaking

reusable, but project canceled.

average value for a smilar product in comparison

Joe McLoughlin
Joe McLoughlin
about 2 years ago


Good design

Eco friendly

Decent value

sven ji
sven ji
about 2 years ago

Doesn't seem like the products would be difficult to make, but creator doesn't seem to be acting in a very honest manner

Doesn't seem ground breaking in design and otherwise looks like a cold weather jacket

Mentions long lasting design and responsible manufacturing, but not a lot to go on

Looks like a shady campaign and funding is also cancelled now, would be careful with money on this one

Peter Kiukas
Peter Kiukas
about 2 years ago

See my comment below

See my comment below

Kelvin Tong
Kelvin Tong
about 2 years ago

This user did not provide any reasons for their ratings.


Mohammad Z.
Mohammad Z.
Feb 11, 2023

Wondering why it was cancelled.

Joe M.
Joe M.
Feb 10, 2023

Interesting that it was cancelled…

Eric L.
Eric L.
Feb 10, 2023

Just saw that this was cancelled. I never backed it as I just found it now, but what happens in these instances? They partnered with Enventys so I have a feeling they will be coming for funds.

sven j.
sven j.
Feb 9, 2023

Response to comments definitely seems shady

Peter K.
Peter K.
Feb 8, 2023

sadly this project is feeling a little shady. The creator refuses to answer concerns we the backers have about the project and the info he has released about it. Instead of answers he has reported all posts question the campaign. He even released an update claiming these post are spam… Hope people start asking the creator questions about the original photos of the different styles of the product, why is he selling the this cheap, why sell them on ks if he already has all the products manufactured. A groundbreaking product like this should really sell it self without ks. why would you sell a product worth 500$ for 100$? Something is just not adding up and the creator is doing nothing to help the backers understand any of the questions raised!